Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Strike a very cool pose

I've never watched Smallville. I've never been much of a Superman fan. And the young Superman in a small town thing didn't appeal to me at all.

But now I hear that other DC type characters are appearing. Any of you guys seen it recently? The photo looks cool, but do the super-guest appearances deliver?


  1. Haven't watched it since Season 6 (I think--the season with Green Arrow). The show does some things really well and others really poorly. Since I've never been much of a Supes fan and watched several seasons, I guess the good outweighed the good for a while at least (the last one I really only watched because I'm a Green Arrow fan).

    As for the other superhero stuff specifically, I've liked most of what I've seen. The first episode with The Flash (played by Beaver from Veronica Mars) was one of my favorites.

  2. I don't watch the show either, but my general rule of thumb is that the believability / coolness of a live-action super-hero setting is inversely proportional to the total number of people in costume appearing in it.

    You see this most clearly in the Schumacher Batman movies. The more costumes there were, the stupider the movies were. It's fairly easy to suspend one's disbelief when there's only one guy looking good in spandex. Add three or four or five and it gets a lot harder.

    I'd say X-Men did it best, but in large part that's because the costumes were pretty normal looking. When I look at the still for Smallville you posted, I just go "ugh". I mean, either one would be ok in a solo setting, but put them all together and it's just a mess.

  3. I've been enjoying Smallville for quite some time, but I missed this episode. I haven't found in general that they do too much costuming. Most of the "superheroes" are believable I think.

  4. They have a stupid rule. No tights no flight rule. Superman can't have tights and can't fly. He is the 1940's Superman. I want to know where the heck is the Bat!

  5. It's actually a pretty good show, although it's about 75% inter-relationship drama. When they have other superheros it usually works well.

  6. @Chuck: My understanding is that they wanted to use Bats instead of Green Arrow, but there were rights issues that they couldn't get sorted out.

  7. Smallville's original aim was to *not* have costumed heroes. That's why Clark never appeared in his regular caped getup. Smallville's version has him in black Matrix-inspired threads. I have to say that they've done a swell job so far with these costumes!

  8. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Helm of Nabu

    Amulet of Anubis

    Jockstrap of Hercules

  9. That picture leaves me cold.
    Stargirl is supposed to be a teenater. That woman looks like she's closer to 30+.

    My opinion is that the only Smallville conversion that they've done fairly wall was Green Arrow.

    All the over super-hero adaptations for Smallville have left me disappointed and feeling slightly nauseous.

  10. I've actually liked most of the adaptations of existing characters. Last year's Legion episode hit all the right notes for me, but it was very clearly Geoff Johns' take on the Legion filtered through the necessities of TV.

    I'm a shameless fan of both Fate and Stargirl, so I'll watch it, even if I'm missing most of this season due to the move to Fridays.
