Saturday, August 28, 2010

A new tradition is born

We spent the greater part of the day here at the Lair enjoying a marathon geekfest of the Lord of the Rings.  We had some serious “family time” as everyone sat around the living room and revisited Middle Earth amongst  popcorn, soda, and corndogs.
I love these movies. I love that my Minions love these movies.
I think I’m gonna make this a yearly thing.  Can you imagine all of us watching The Lord of The Rings and (by that time I hope) The Hobbit, with our Grandkids?
Yup. New tradition at the Lair-
Lord of The Rings Marathon every year!

So let it be written, so let it be done!


  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I was impressed when my son (7) lasted through the full LoTR marathon I had with the extended versions. It makes for a complete geek weekend.

  2. It's a good tradition. I have similar ones, Halloween at, er, Halloween, and for Christmas, what else but Die Hard? ;)

  3. It's our family tradition as well-usually around Thanksgiving-because thats when the extended's were released.

  4. I try to see this trilogy and the original Star Wars films at least once a year - but sadly this is a solo endeavor and not on any set day(s).

    I got Rachel to watch the Star Wars films once, but she tends to feel once you've seen a film you don't need to see it again.

    And as for LoTR she didn't make though the first disc of Fellowship :(
