Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Xenozoic is beautiful!

I am just getting to my copy of the Xenozoic book I bought a few weeks ago.  Needless to say I am loving it. I completely missed these stories in the 80's and it was just by coincidence that this beautiful compilation came out a few weeks ago. From what I understand fans of Mark Schultz have been waiting many moons for this.


  1. Wow, thanks for the reminder! I ordered it from Flesk and got it, but with the turmoil of the holidays I tucked it away and forgot! And here I'd been waiting ages for its release, haha

  2. I have a few comics of this from way back when and having the full graphic will hit the spot.

  3. Sweet! I didn't know that had come out. I've talked with Mark Schultz numerous time at SDCC and he is the nicest guy. Gotta go over to Amazon now...

  4. Well if you do Jason, use my link please. I need all the help I can get. Amazon pays only when you reach a certain plateau and I'm not there yet.

  5. I got this for Christmas and LOVE it!

  6. a couple of weeks ago I found the final issue at a Half Price Books for like $.50 completing my collection! I couldn't believe it. Such a great and short-lived book.

  7. I did use your link, so you're one step closer.

  8. I still have a handful of issues of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs that Topps put out in the '90s. Perhaps I'll use some of my Christmas money to pick this up.
